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Hosting Services - Vital Need For Companies, Enterprises and Individuals

After the dot com bubble in 1999-2000, the demand for personal websites and e-commerce websites has seen some decrement. But, during last few years, people are again moving towards internet and enormous services available here. It leads to development of several websites for e-commerce services catering B2B and B2C needs. The trend of having an online presence is also popular among Corporate, Small Business Houses, and prominent personalities. This is another reason for increase in demand of more and more websites every day.
There is great demand for E-Commerce website. The revenue earned by e-commerce websites in last few years has increased drastically. This is not only affecting major players like eBay and Amazon, but also to smaller segment e-commerce websites dealing in a particular customer segment or services area. This is in fact beginning of a new era in IT sector.
Every person, business or enterprise interested in having a website has some pre-requisites, like:
1. A domain name - To represent them on internet
2. Some web space - To put their web pages online to be served on requested by clients.
To have these needs fulfilled one needs a web hosting service provider, who can register a domain on customers behalf and can provide sufficient space as and when required.
Although, the technical requirements for all websites are not same, the requirements can vary according to the level of service attached with your purpose of having a website. People can choose wither Windows Platform running IIS Web Server, or they have option of using Linux/Unix Platform running Apache Web Servers. It all depends on what kind of technologies and which languages one will use in making a website.
You can also put your online presence and review this charm with your own mind. So come and visit: http://www.omhosting.biz for more information on our hosting service offerings.



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