Diabetes has two known types: Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 Diabetes has been diagnosed more frequently among children and young adults. In fact Type 1 Diabetes used to known as Juvenile Diabetes. Persons with Type 1 Diabetes differ from persons with Type 2 Diabetes because the former do not produce any amount of insulin. Insulin processes and takes sugar from bloodstreams and facilitates its assimilation into body cells. Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes have basically similar symptoms, such as frequent thirst and urination, along with excessive hunger.
Type 1 diabetics are dependent on insulin for life. But this unnecessarily means they cannot look forward to a long and productive life. People who get Type 1 diagnosis early in life are in fact in better medical condition compared to those to who are found Type 2 diabetics later in life. The reason for this is young patients get accustomed to the treatment well enough and become more compliant compared to Type 2 diabetics who often ignore or reject medical treatments.
There is a bit of good news as well for Type 1 diabetics. Type 1 diabetic children used to inject themselves with insulin everyday to stay alive. With insulin pumps, this is no longer necessary today. However it remains very important for Type 1 diabetics, like Type 2 diabetics, to maintain a diet that is rich in starch and sugar.
The Glycemic Index, developed in 1981 at the University of Toronto, helps diabetics determine which foods to avoid. It rates foods on a scale of high to low scores. Foods that rate high take more time to process and get assimilated into the body cells, leaving more sugar in the bloodstream than normal, and thereby causing strain on kidneys and adversely affecting insulin. Foods that rate low get digested at a relatively faster pace but still leave more blood sugar in the system than normal. The Glycemic Index, along with related research data, has established the fact that sweets are not the only foods that cause diabetes and are therefore to be avoided. Baked potato, for instance, has been found to be more harmful to diabetics than candy bar.
The Glycemic Index has identified carbohydrates as the main curse of diabetics. Both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics should therefore control their carbo intake. Carbohydrates that rate low on the Glycemic Index can be eaten in moderation. Those that rated high on the Index, on the other hand, must be totally avoided.
Type 2 diabetes often afflict older and obese people. On account of studied cases, the medical profession in the United States has in many ways tried to establish the link between obesity and the rise of diabetes. Most Type 2 diabetics are obese or overweight. Type 2 diabetics have problems getting enough insulin to break sugar down in their systems, causing their kidneys to work doubly hard just to get rid of the excess waste. Although doctors often prescribe insulin for Type 2 diabetics, the standard procedure is to administer to patients a program of medication first.
Diabetics may have no need for the next medical procedure, which is insulin, if they succeed in controlling their blood sugar level. Aside from medication, diabetics can maintain their blood sugar at low levels by watching their food intake, taking an exercise routine and losing weight. Those who fail in their medication will have no choice but take insulin sooner or later.
Both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics are susceptible to complications. The complications include nerve damage, skin disorders, and heart and kidney diseases. But they can keep the disease in check with proper implementation of the medical regimen prescribed to them by their doctors. Diabetes is one disease on which patients can do something about. With proper care and management, diabetics can live happy and long lives.
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