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How to Create a Free Website - 4 Easy Tips on Creating a Free Website

Creating a website is easy. There is usually a step-by-step tutorial feature that you can follow to create one for yourself. If you are computer savvy or at least know how to operate the computer, it will be simple enough for you. The tricky part here is to create a website for free.

Here are some tips to make your task easier:

1. Look for a free webhosting company. While there are plenty to choose from on the internet, choosing the right design is important. Webhost that offers websites for free are making money from advertisements - and those ads will be displayed on your website so you should think about what kind of advertisements you want popping in your website.

2. Always remember that when you opt for a free website, your website address will not be yourbusinessname.com, instead it will be yourbusinessname.webhostname.com. So you should choose a username that is short yet unique to make it easy to remember for your guests. Also avoid putting a lot of numbers and changing the spelling of your name, just spell it as it is easier to search.

3. Get free templates online to customize your page. There are many web design artists that offer their templates for free; you can use one of them to personalize your site.

4. Publicize your website yourself. Get free advertising and exposure for your website; get potential leads for your website and get Google to index your website. There are many opportunities that you can find on the internet, all for free - you just have to search for them!

By Fabian Tan Platinum Quality Author



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