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Top 4 Reasons For Having Tattoos

Tattoos have had a rich and colourful history in western popular culture for the better part of two centuries and nowhere are this better illustrated than by the rather extraordinary number of historical figures and modern day celebrities who have sported or currently have body art.
They have long been associated with sailors and seamen and military personnel, but did you know that European Royalty were the first well-known members of society, the first celebrities so to speak, to spur an interest in tattoos and body art. It used to be anti-social, now they are the hot trend for sexy women and dreamy guys. They usually come in many designs such as tribal, animals, star, butterfly, armband, Celtic and so much more in this artistic market.

We have gather 4 top reasons for people who appreciate this form of artistic work on their bodies:

1) For the love of someone close to your heart. Tattoos are no longer regarded as a hard cold piece of body art, it also has sentimental values. Some people rather keep a piece of this artistic value as a celebration of birth or in honour of someone's death. This form of art means something to that person. Nowadays they are more popular and are not looked at as a flaw in somebody. There are a lot more business people with them today.

2) Wear a piece of art- It can be viewed as a form of decoration, body art fans think that they look cool with it and it symbolizes their unique personalities.

3) It is addictive - With nearly thousands of tattoo designs in the market, it gives us more reason to add another piece of permanent art on our body. If you are good in drawing or design, you can even create a master piece that is unique for you and your friends.

4) Show it or hide it - Do you know that it is possible for you to hide this body art now? How is it possible? Well, some artist does glow in the dark tattoos. They are black-light reactive, and invisible in the sunlight. This is indeed very popular for those people who want a tattoo, but don't want it seen unless they chose to have it seen in clubs and such.
May it be fashion trend or simply for artistic value, it is no doubt that this permanent piece of body art will remain popular for many years to come.


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